Our Journey of Fusion

Welcome to ELOUD, where every pattern tells a story of heritage, culture, and artistic expression.
Born in the vibrant landscapes of Morocco and growing up in KSA, I was surrounded by a tapestry of colors, textures, and designs that have been passed down through generations. These patterns were not just decorations; they were narratives of the history, symbols of the identity, and expressions of the community spirit.
As a student in London, I found myself in one of the world’s fashion capitals, where the past and future merge to create something truly unique. Here, amidst the city’s iconic blend of tradition and modernity, the idea for ELOUD was born. I saw an opportunity to bridge the world we live in by embracing traditional clothing and adopt them in a modern way.
ELOUD is more than just a fashion brand. It's a celebration of traditional cultures brought into the contemporary wardrobe. Each piece in our collection starts with a story from a traditional culture, then crafted into patterns that are both stylish and meaningful. Our pants are designed for the bold, the curious, and the adventurous – those who appreciate the journey behind the garment, and who want to carry a piece of history with them.
We are committed to creating fashion that honors our past while embracing the future, inviting you to journey with us through the intricate designs and vibrant stories woven into each pair of pants.
ELOUD believes in the revival of traditional clothing by fusioning it with modern fashion